Saturday, September 8, 2012

How much piecin' a quilt...

How much piecin’ a quilt is like livin’ a life!  Many a time I’ve set and listened to Parson Page preachin’ about predestination and free will, and I’ve said to myself, ‘If I could jest git up in the pulpit with one of my quilts I could make it a heap plainer to folks than parson’s makin’ it with his big words.’  You see, you start out with jest so much caliker; you don’t go to the store and pick it out and buy it, but the neighbours will give you a piece here and a piece there, and you’ll have a piece left over every time you cut a dress, and you take jest what happens to come.  And that’s like predestination.  But when it come to the cuttin’ out, why you’re free to choose your own pattern.  You can give the same kind o’ pieces to two persons, and one’ll make a ‘nine patch’ and one’ll make a ‘wild-goose chase,’ and there’ll be two quilts made out of the same kind of pieces, but we can cut them out and put ‘em together pretty much to suit ourselves and there’s a heap more in the cuttin’ out and the sewin’ than there is in the caliker.  Eliza Calvert Hall, Aunt Jane of Kentucky, Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1908, p 74.


What a fun time we had!  Several of us met in a "Quilting Bee" format a couple of weeks ago to make the Albania Gospel Spinner pillow covers, the project we took to Albanian churches last spring.  We have such talented people in our church!!!  I think everyone was well on their way to finishing the project when they left to tend to children or whatever.  We did, however, miss all those knitters, crocheters, etc. who we'd like to join us for a fun time getting to know each other and sharing ideas about sewing, life, or other vital concerns.

For those who haven't quite finished the pillow, or who would have liked to join us before, feel free to join us on Saturday, Sept 15 from 10-3 in the Community Room.  I'll be giving instructions for the pillow covers at 10 and 1, as before.  Kits will be available for purchase, or bring your own fabric (about 1/4 yard for each of four or five colors and 1/2 yard each for the backing and border).  Bring your own sewing machine and sewing notions (scissors, thread, etc.).  We will have rotary cutters and mats available.

In addition.... tah! dah!... we will have another "quilting bee" and a new project on October 5th and 6th!!!  This is the project I hope to take to the Albanian churches next month, and a sample should be available on September 15... using prairie points.  Come and join us Friday, October 5 and/or Saturday, October 6 from 10-3.  I will have a kit and will give instructions at 10 am and 1 pm both days.  And, if you are not a quilter, but like to knit/crochet/cross-stitch, etc., come join us with your project and let's get to know each other!!!

OK, who knows when the first "quilt" was made and where?  I'll answer that question and more in the next few days.