Friday, October 31, 2014

Greetings on Hallowed Eve!

Albanian alps - taller than they look - enroute to Kosovo
Well, it's official.  I have a cold!  Now, Charlotte, this is despite the Airborne, and yes, I'm taking zinc.  I have just ordered mountain tea (the universal antidote here in Illyrium), orange juice, and oatmeal.  That should take care of it, right?  Katie is doing great, though!  No worries yet for her... we have separate rooms, so that is good.  She leaves to spend time with Dori and Sabina on Sunday...

Wednesday, we spent the morning at CRU.  The ladies sandwiched and quilted.  I think we need another session for binding.  These ladies are amazing!  They are trying to make perfect projects on their first attempt - and coming pretty close!

Of course, en route to CRU, we saw the most amazing things.  Now, you remember the chickens that are sold across the street from the Steven's Center, right?  Well, along the Rruga Elbansanit was another live offering.... turkeys!  Poor things!  And, Katie said she saw the chicken man stuff his live chickens in a plastic crate, cover them with an old piece of cardboard, bungie cord it onto his scooter, and he was off!

In the afternoon on Wednesday, we went to Bathore... missing the bus stop!  As a result, we traveled to the center of Kamez (not too far away) first, then Bathore.  The ticket taker on the bus laughed at us... we got off on one side of the street,  crossed the street and got back onto the same bus!  Back to Bathore, and the opportunity to see all that Ida has done.  20th anniversary celebration with Steven's Center - on Wednesday with an outside concert... which was kind of outside of our window at the Jolly Hotel.

Katie's a natural!!
Yesterday, back to Bathore, and a meeting with all the widows.   Katie had suggested we talk about heaven, then gave a testimony which was a wonderful introduction.  Then I got up and talked about the assurance of heaven, all pandemonium broke out... well, not maybe it wasn't that bad.  But, there was an incredible amount of discussion - you know the drill... "But, I am a good person!" "But, I am better than my neighbor" - and the Albanian Bible teacher, Migena and Ida spent about 20 minutes discussing our eternal assurance.  Good call, Katie!  They told us they were happy to be able to teach on that subject!   The audience was enthralled with Katie's testimony, and were responsive to my questions.  So, all in all, I think it went well!

Today to Rudi's church, this afternoon to visit a friend in her home.  OK, it's time to get going!! 


Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

Blogging and researching
So, why is it that you get your best sleep AFTER you press the snooze button?  I have been pondering this unanswerable question since yesterday morning when that is exactly what happened!  This morning, we had no morning appointment, so we both luxuriated in the ability to just lie there and pray, snooze and slowly decide to get out of bed.  I think this is the first morning when we could wake up when we wanted. 

The Stephen Center was busy - now they are off to see the new handicap center.  I decided we would go later, when things are not quite so crazy.  The 20th anniversary celebration for the Stephen Center has impacted everything here... crowds at every meal time, and the staff are SO busy!! 

Planning church outreach for women
Talking about busy, it's been a busy time for us, as well... and there has been little time to do anything but ponder during the bus rides, etc.  Today we go to our friends outside of Tirana for this month's meeting.  Katie will give her testimony, and I will be tapped for a lesson of some sort... pray God will lay something profound and thoroughly appropriate on my heart... I've considered several things, but God is so good, He usually sorts it all out by the time I speak.  So, your prayers would be appreciated (to remind Him that otherwise I'll be left hanging).

My favorite "librari"
Look cold?  It is!!!
OK, so what has happened while we've been here?  Well, we've met with Rudi and Lejda to talk about their women's group, we've been to the prison (no camera, sorry), talked to Migena about Shkoder and our work here, visited a wonderful bookstore, traveled with the Manellis to Kosovo to worship with a small fellowship of believers and seekers and had a chance to walk around the old city of Prizen - quite picturesque - and had burek (for the first time for me... didn't want to try until I knew there was no butter/cheese), and we FROZE!!!  Prizen has horse-drawn vegetable carts, even on Sunday.  It is an incredibly beautiful old city, with several mosques (large) but three small Orthodox churches.
I was surprised to see horse-drawn cart
 A beautiful stone foot-bridge

Kosovo is very Muslim!  It is a hard place to witness; families often disown a new believer (which happens in the US, too, by the way).  There is a wonderful Kosovar pastor and his wife starting a new fellowship in a village outside of Pristina.  It was an honor to be able to worship with them and learn of their plans... which are quite enthusiastic!
Burek, Kosovo style
Some brothers and sisters
We've met with our friends in ministry to the Roma here in Tirana, and will hopefully worship with them this Sunday, then spend a few moments learning about their activities and plans.  Don is working on stoves to sell for this winter.

We have renewed so many friendships, met with the women from CRU to sandwich and quilt and generally had a wonderful time meeting, chatting, having coffee, and filling our schedule!! 

And, guess what! Last night we had dinner with the Berhamis where Adiel completely stole the show... until Charlotte and Joe showed up.  And, guess what!  Both Katie and I completely forgot to take a photo!  And, we saw Arvid!  Arvid accompanied Joe and Charlotte to Macedonia where they met with their friends there... boy, has Arvid changed!  He has cut his hair, but is the same ol' Arvid!  It was good to see him.
So, now you know that we have been busy, and today taking a rather lazy morning as we pack and prepare to move hotels, get ready for our meeting this afternoon, and Katie shows me what we will be doing tomorrow - and Monday - and Tuesday - and...  Her craft is a HIT!!!

OK, guys, e-mail either of us if you have questions we can answer.  I will fill you in on the city later.  But, right now, just wanted you to know that we have been trying to keep up with our hosts here in our other homeland... hear that, Scott???


Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27 - Tirana, Kosovo and beyond!

Here is Katie's blog post:

Five days ago we landed in this country we have both fallen in love with. A place that I thought I'd travel to one time 5 years ago and now have returned for my 5th journey. What calls me back? That answer is simple, the Lord has laid it on my heart year after year. When I'm not here, I'm thinking and planning my next trip. When I am here I am rejoicing in the Lord's faithfulness and watching this once Communist country enjoy their freedom and watching as more and more Albanian's learn about Jesus's love for them.
Byrek, Kosovo style

In the time we have been here so far we have, walked, talked, eaten, drunk coffee, traveled, tried to sleep, and seen God's fruit in each place we have gone. Yesterday we had the opportunity to travel to a small village outside of Pristina, in Kosovo. It was a 4 hour drive from Tirane and we left at the crack of dawn (5am) to travel there. This village was 99% Muslim but there is a new church plant there and they have seen fruit. A pastor and his family have followed God's call to start a church. They are renting a small building where they gather together on Sundays to praise God and grow in their faith. Their numbers are small. Yesterday there were about 12 people and that included us, the pastor, his wife and children, and the couple we traveled with. Although the number is small, these people are coming to faith in Christ. Last week one of the men was baptized! They are praying for opportunities to share their faith with others, and have many plans for outreach projects in the community. Please join us in praying for this small church that is now just a seed being planted but by God's grace will
The seed of a new church - in the center of darkness!
We are currently getting ready to head out to a suburb of Tirane to visit some of the widows Sharon has connected with. I'm excited to see more of this ministry she has started and meeting these women who need the light of Jesus in their lives.

Thank you for your faithful prayers during this trip. The verse "Be still and Know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 has been running through my head since we have been here. We will be still, knowing God is with us and using us to reach this nation!

And, from Sharon:

Praise God for these opportunities.  Each time we stop in the Steven's Center, we see more people we already know, and more opportunities to encourage, share and partner arise.  Thank you for your prayers... we so covet them, and need them.  Charlotte, you will be happy to know that I am taking my Airborne each day!  So far, so good.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

We arrived! Friday, October 24

We arrived on Wednesday evening!  It was raining "cats and dogs," there was a cloud layer over all of Europe from Frankfurt to Tirana, but the plane somehow found the airport, and popped through the cloud layer landing without incident.  That is all good! Alban took this picture as we were coming through the door.

For the first time in years, we were asked to put our luggage through the x-ray machine... but there was nothing of interest!  So, we loaded them back up and proceeded out the door.

Yes, it all fit in Alban's car... I was surprised.  He was so kind, and took us to our new abode... the Jolly Hotel right around the corner from the Qendra Stefan.  We settled in, had dinner and slept.  It reminds me of that song, "Sleep, glorious sleep... " (instead of "food").  It felt good to lie down.  Both Katie and I enjoyed the trans-Atlantic flight at the bulkhead.  We could get up without too much incident, and also stretch out without a problem.  Wow, different from all those other flights that make you bend into a pretzel.
This morning we met with Adi and Berti - it was wonderful.  This trip just feels like we're home!  It is so familiar!  And the people are so good to us!

We will be doing some sewing with this group at CRU - next Wednesday.  Adi and several other women are making the "Road to Albania" from years ago.  Wednesday, we will sandwich and possibly quilt a smaller project, though.  We'll decide what we are going to do with Adi, hopefully this weekend.  Already, Adi has the batting we brought as well as the other things she requested.

Today was spent contacting people.  We are ready to see four or five people tomorrow to plan our days, and it sounds like we will be traveling to Kosovo.  Berti and I discussed those daunting speeches I will give.  And, I never took public speaking!  Well, God will find me there and use me for His purposes, I'm sure.  We also talked about other important things... did Adam and Eve speek with the animals in languages that they both understood?  Did Adam and Eve actually hear God walking in the garden?  I know it doesn't make a whit of difference for our salvation, but I must say I enjoy trying to figure out weird things about the Bible.  

Tomorrow we see our friends from the suburbs.  One of my projects was to try to come up with a piece of jewelry that based on an Albanian artifact, and turn it into something (hopefully) that can be sold as a tourist souvenir.  Here is a embellished purse found in the area surrounding Tirana...  here is the adaptation... well, now that I look at them together, I wandered fairly far afield, but you can see the similarities.  Pray that this is sale-able here.

Well, it is 4 or 5 in the morning.  This trip, so far, is like a past one where I would wake in the middle of the night and not be able to return to sleep.  Hopefully, I'll acclimate more readily than I did before...  Katie is doing somewhat better than I am, but it is a tough transition sometimes.

See you guys soon!


PS - To our friends in California... rain still does exist!  It still is wet and wonderful!