Friday, October 31, 2014

Greetings on Hallowed Eve!

Albanian alps - taller than they look - enroute to Kosovo
Well, it's official.  I have a cold!  Now, Charlotte, this is despite the Airborne, and yes, I'm taking zinc.  I have just ordered mountain tea (the universal antidote here in Illyrium), orange juice, and oatmeal.  That should take care of it, right?  Katie is doing great, though!  No worries yet for her... we have separate rooms, so that is good.  She leaves to spend time with Dori and Sabina on Sunday...

Wednesday, we spent the morning at CRU.  The ladies sandwiched and quilted.  I think we need another session for binding.  These ladies are amazing!  They are trying to make perfect projects on their first attempt - and coming pretty close!

Of course, en route to CRU, we saw the most amazing things.  Now, you remember the chickens that are sold across the street from the Steven's Center, right?  Well, along the Rruga Elbansanit was another live offering.... turkeys!  Poor things!  And, Katie said she saw the chicken man stuff his live chickens in a plastic crate, cover them with an old piece of cardboard, bungie cord it onto his scooter, and he was off!

In the afternoon on Wednesday, we went to Bathore... missing the bus stop!  As a result, we traveled to the center of Kamez (not too far away) first, then Bathore.  The ticket taker on the bus laughed at us... we got off on one side of the street,  crossed the street and got back onto the same bus!  Back to Bathore, and the opportunity to see all that Ida has done.  20th anniversary celebration with Steven's Center - on Wednesday with an outside concert... which was kind of outside of our window at the Jolly Hotel.

Katie's a natural!!
Yesterday, back to Bathore, and a meeting with all the widows.   Katie had suggested we talk about heaven, then gave a testimony which was a wonderful introduction.  Then I got up and talked about the assurance of heaven, all pandemonium broke out... well, not maybe it wasn't that bad.  But, there was an incredible amount of discussion - you know the drill... "But, I am a good person!" "But, I am better than my neighbor" - and the Albanian Bible teacher, Migena and Ida spent about 20 minutes discussing our eternal assurance.  Good call, Katie!  They told us they were happy to be able to teach on that subject!   The audience was enthralled with Katie's testimony, and were responsive to my questions.  So, all in all, I think it went well!

Today to Rudi's church, this afternoon to visit a friend in her home.  OK, it's time to get going!! 


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