Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

Blogging and researching
So, why is it that you get your best sleep AFTER you press the snooze button?  I have been pondering this unanswerable question since yesterday morning when that is exactly what happened!  This morning, we had no morning appointment, so we both luxuriated in the ability to just lie there and pray, snooze and slowly decide to get out of bed.  I think this is the first morning when we could wake up when we wanted. 

The Stephen Center was busy - now they are off to see the new handicap center.  I decided we would go later, when things are not quite so crazy.  The 20th anniversary celebration for the Stephen Center has impacted everything here... crowds at every meal time, and the staff are SO busy!! 

Planning church outreach for women
Talking about busy, it's been a busy time for us, as well... and there has been little time to do anything but ponder during the bus rides, etc.  Today we go to our friends outside of Tirana for this month's meeting.  Katie will give her testimony, and I will be tapped for a lesson of some sort... pray God will lay something profound and thoroughly appropriate on my heart... I've considered several things, but God is so good, He usually sorts it all out by the time I speak.  So, your prayers would be appreciated (to remind Him that otherwise I'll be left hanging).

My favorite "librari"
Look cold?  It is!!!
OK, so what has happened while we've been here?  Well, we've met with Rudi and Lejda to talk about their women's group, we've been to the prison (no camera, sorry), talked to Migena about Shkoder and our work here, visited a wonderful bookstore, traveled with the Manellis to Kosovo to worship with a small fellowship of believers and seekers and had a chance to walk around the old city of Prizen - quite picturesque - and had burek (for the first time for me... didn't want to try until I knew there was no butter/cheese), and we FROZE!!!  Prizen has horse-drawn vegetable carts, even on Sunday.  It is an incredibly beautiful old city, with several mosques (large) but three small Orthodox churches.
I was surprised to see horse-drawn cart
 A beautiful stone foot-bridge

Kosovo is very Muslim!  It is a hard place to witness; families often disown a new believer (which happens in the US, too, by the way).  There is a wonderful Kosovar pastor and his wife starting a new fellowship in a village outside of Pristina.  It was an honor to be able to worship with them and learn of their plans... which are quite enthusiastic!
Burek, Kosovo style
Some brothers and sisters
We've met with our friends in ministry to the Roma here in Tirana, and will hopefully worship with them this Sunday, then spend a few moments learning about their activities and plans.  Don is working on stoves to sell for this winter.

We have renewed so many friendships, met with the women from CRU to sandwich and quilt and generally had a wonderful time meeting, chatting, having coffee, and filling our schedule!! 

And, guess what! Last night we had dinner with the Berhamis where Adiel completely stole the show... until Charlotte and Joe showed up.  And, guess what!  Both Katie and I completely forgot to take a photo!  And, we saw Arvid!  Arvid accompanied Joe and Charlotte to Macedonia where they met with their friends there... boy, has Arvid changed!  He has cut his hair, but is the same ol' Arvid!  It was good to see him.
So, now you know that we have been busy, and today taking a rather lazy morning as we pack and prepare to move hotels, get ready for our meeting this afternoon, and Katie shows me what we will be doing tomorrow - and Monday - and Tuesday - and...  Her craft is a HIT!!!

OK, guys, e-mail either of us if you have questions we can answer.  I will fill you in on the city later.  But, right now, just wanted you to know that we have been trying to keep up with our hosts here in our other homeland... hear that, Scott???


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