Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A busy day!

When we finished breakfast, it was pouring rain.  It looked a little like rain when we got up, but by the time we were ready to go out, it was RAINING!  But, we had errands to run... so, what are a few drops of water.  So, off down the road, next to the market with "fresh water olives'! (They sell olives in barrels, with the rain, the olives were swimming.)  Down the "bicycle street," around the deserted, crumbling building and off to Vodaphone.  My last phone was lost in the throes of a trip to Spain by my daughter.  So, instead of the seemingly impossible task of trying to unlock my phone from the States, just invested in another cell phone.  I don't think I've ever had anything so disposable.  A dash back to the Center to meet Buci (Boosh-y), a wonderfully kind gentleman who would take us on our quest to find fabric, sewing machines and notions.

You can find almost anything here
Great used machines
We started at the market where you can buy just about anything you'd like.  It is a warren of small paths past all sorts of stores... we kept our eyes on Buci or we would have quickly been lost.  We did find some notions scattered, and lots of filmy dress fabric.  Next was a real find - a store with any kind of notion (I think) we could ever want - sewing machine feet, scissors, glass beads, ribbons, zippers by the yard, buttons, and....  It was a great find, and a good resource.  Then off to another fabric store.  Don't think we are going to find quilting cottons as we know them.  We can find blends that are more poly than cotton... and there is sheeting.  OK, next sewing machines... new ones???  Well, Kathie thinks there are better buys than the new ones we could find here... what about used ones?  There is a wonderful sewing machine repairman somewhere (remember?  I'm geographically challenged) in Tirana.  I got his card, and he does have a number, though we need to learn Albanian.  He had a treasure of older metal mechanical machines...  no, he was unaware of a decent sewing machine store for new machines.  Here's an entrepreneurial opportunity - anyone want to open up as a dealer for, say, Riccar?

Kathie and Rhonda, here for Women in Prayer
By then, the rain had abated and the sun was shining.  So, back to the Center and a "cuppa" as we reconnoitered.  Next on the agenda for me was a short nap - then meeting with Olta to discuss the five groups she has identified.  Then, dinner at Kolonot - the local McDonalds equivalent.  Our walk home was fun... and we walked through the area with government buildings, finding some old guard stations.  Skanderbeg was majestic, the area under construction last time is finished and planted with lots of trees.
Rhonda playing guard
Before bed, a review of the day and plans for tomorrow. 

Tomorrow the real fun begins - we start at Campus at 10 to discuss Moms in Prayer (both Kathie and Rhonda are affiliated with Moms in Prayer) with the one woman we know who is organizing meetings.  After that, back to Stephen Center to discuss ministry with a social worker in the women's prison, then to Dori's church for a sewing group, then back to Stephen Center to discuss the potential for doing something with a group of widows.  Whew!  Then organizing for Friday.

We leave Friday for Berat.  So far, don't know exactly how we will get there... a request for prayer!


  1. How I wish I was meandering those paths with you - nothing I love better than a good hunt for sewing notions.

  2. PS: send some pictures of you, too!
