Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We're here!

Rhonda and Kathie at our early dinner - Stephen Center.
Good grief!  I hadn't realized that it is a few days since I posted!  Yesterday (which began the day before) was a little tough, but here I am listening to the morning call to prayer!  The sun is just peaking out over the horizon (I would guess, if I could see the horizon) on what promises to be a busy Wednesday; it is Tuesday evening at home in CA.  I've been awake on and off since 1 am; it's currently about 5.

Just a brief review... We got home on Saturday evening, and Berti and the girls had spent the day playing tag, I think, on the extensive lawns at Dallas Seminary.  After dinner, and much discussion regarding Islam, both the religion and how believers think, we hit the sack... that is, all of us except Berti who does a lot of his studying late at night (or early in the morning, depending on your perspective).

The "living room" at Watermark
Sunday we visited Watermark Church - a large, non-denomenational church somewhere in Dallas (if you know me, you know that I am geographically challenged).  It was beautiful, with lots of room to gather and visit, a pond (for baptisms) with rocking chairs surrounding it... a perfect place to meet and just talk.  The church itself is relatively new, about 15 years old.  The senior pastor is down-to-earth... and would fit in with many of our youth.  He is serious, and serious about the Gospel.  What a challenge his sermon was... on John 22:22 and following.  Go look it up!  It is an amazing passage.
Sara and Klea on patio before service

Berti, Adi and the girls took me to a wonderful restaurant with unique food - I had a pulled chicken salad.  Ever heard of pulled chicken?  This was with green apples and cherries.. I don't think I could reproduce it.  (My mouth is watering just thinking about it - 'course I haven't eaten for awhile, either!)  Then we lazily sat at a Starbucks and had "a coffee."  What a nice respite it was... hearing about the lessons the girls had heard that morning, talking about their future with them, and just watching the people go by.

The "pond" for baptisms
Sunday evening was preparation for the trip, more discussions about Christianity and Islam in Albania (boy, Berti and Adi have been so patient with me with all my questions - but it has given me a much greater insight into Islam in Albania).  Moreover, Adi helped me to "find" places in Tirana which might be helpful resources for sewing/quilting in Albania.

Then the grueling multiday trip - with relatively short layovers (a blessing) - began.  On the longest flight, I was next to a rather tall guy from Germany on his way home to spend a week with his family before heading further east - to China.  He was so nice, but each time he moved in his seat, both seats would move and squeak.  I didn't actually realize that until the lights were out, though.  Then, sleeping was a little more like dozing on and off.  So, by the time Munich arrived, I was already looking forward to a shower and a flat bed.

Munich Airport is strangely familiar... the table where we sat for a snack on the last trip, the long corridors running along the gates, the glass encased smoking room.  So far, so good.  Then the last leg, our flight into Tirana.  I hadn't realized it, but this flight was my first into Tirana from the States during the day.  The land was so green, the mountaintops were capped in white, the farming plots laid out like a patchwork quilt.  It was really beautiful!

Alban was right there!  He is so faithful - and such a wonderful and familiar sight.  Then to Stephen Center - somehow it looked very welcoming.  We settled in, had a shower, ate dinner (at 3), then took a walk-about to familiarize everyone with the "lay of the land."  Unfortunately, we forgot our cameras, but today we'll go back to a few places that seemed particularly beautiful.  We were forgetting lots of things by the time we got to the walk-about.  But, it is so good to be in Albania again!

Today we have arranged with a "taxi driver" to see potential suppliers of sewing materials - "dress" fabric, sewing machines, notions.  I think this sounded very strange to our driver, but he promises to consult with some people who should know where to find these things, and then we'll see what he has in store for us.  This afternoon, we'll try to find the places Adi told us about.  Tomorrow (Thursday), we begin with a meeting for prayer with Djana at the Center, then a sewing group at Dori's church, and hopefully we'll be able to touch bases with the International Christian Assembly to make arrangements.

Well, Tirana is waking up - I hear more conversation on the street - and maybe I'll try to get a few more winks before I "officially" get up.  Mirupafshen!      

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