Saturday, April 21, 2012

On the way to Albania!

Our team with Fern
This week has been a little busy, and I didn't get to blog as intended.  When all was said and done, we had two Action Packers which weighed in at 49.7 pounds and 49.2 pounds - the maximum was 50 pounds for baggage.  In addition, the weight limit for a carry-on (where all my clothes were, plus a few sewing things) was 40 and we weighed in at 39.7 pounds.  Don't forget that we also get to take a "personal item" for a computer, etc.  Instead of a weighty problem, we are having a weighty trip.

I must admit that it was difficult to leave SLO with the weather as it is... especially knowing that "June gloom" is just around the corner.  Golly, I wanted to garden with my daughter, take a walk on the beach, or just lay out in a hammock!  Even worse, I heard that I should wear my "heaviest" clothes.  But, I made it to Dallas OK, and was glad to have a sweatshirt... it was in the 50s with a wind from somewhere.

Dallas has certainly changed and is changing; there is a whole lot of construction everywhere.  Adi was waiting for me.  With all the construction, signage is less than optimal, but we made it home to greet Berti, Sara and Klea.  Berti is in the middle of finals and writing lots of papers right now.  When next you see him you really must ask him about Moses.  Adi is a marvel - she has decorated her apartment on a shoestring!  There is a very active community at Dallas Seminary and lots of things are passed around.  She scouts out the best deals, and is thriving with "loss leaders" at the local up-scale grocery.  The girls, of course, are growing.  Gosh, Sara is taller than I am now (along with just about everyone else) and a beautiful young lady.

The multi-purpose auditorium
Up early this morning to get to Waxahachie by 9... what an interesting name.  We are meeting at Lakeview Conference Center, hearing from Fern Nichols, founder of Moms in Touch (now Moms in Prayer).  Man, is she energetic!  We have also met, for the first time, our travel partners... Kathie  and Rhonda.  Kathie has all sorts of ideas to make things I think we can use on this trip, especially for a group of widows... I'll fill you in as we go.
A creek walk at Lakeview

Texas is flat, but beautiful - green trees, rolling hills (once you get outside of Dallas), and gentle breezes.  It has been a little cooler than I expected, but it is a lovely conference center.  We really should consider this center for the next women's retreat... actually, it would be kind of fun. 

I'll try to post tomorrow and tell you about Berat.  But, I'll have to play it by ear.


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