Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's Wednesday - and it's rain again

I can't believe it's been since Sunday that I have written.  It seems like the time is going incredibly fast, and it seems like I am busier than ever.

A fellow "walking" his cow in search of grass
We've done sewing, jewelry, and have both scheduled for the next week.  Also, a prison visit and conversation with the health care team about the hospital.  I have heard rumors that something has been happening at the hospital, so don't know if it is still available.  But, God knows.  Then, there is  lots of strategizing.

One of the things I hope I add here is a little "thinking outside the box" for those who are here full time.  And, cross-pollination...  For instance, one friend is very excited about the Christmas panair (think the Christmas markets in Hamburg, Munich, Budapest, etc. - this is what I'm shooting for in a few years), and when I talked to Berti and Adi, they could see the possibilities, too.  The churches could participate, candy canes (with the story of how they came to be) could be available.  While we were talking about the panair, a friend of theirs from the church in Elbasan talked about the problems she is having there... her ministry feeds children, widows and the elderly, many of whom live in shacks, literally.  We talked about food, strategizing about how to organize the people under her influence to share their food... Berti talked with her at some length.  Hopefully, we will be able to go to Elbasan in the fall with something for them... I'm not sure that sewing is what they could use, but perhaps jewelry.
Korca - the Paris of Albania

Saw some photos of a panair in Lezha which happened yesterday without much notice - but it included many of the things that I hope will happen at Christmas.  They had dancers walking around in traditional garb, local foods and crafts.  But, my friend said that it could have been vastly improved... and she is the organization person. 

While Bill was here, we had the opportunity to look at various products in stores, prices, and we strategized at length about what might sell and which kind of stores to place the products we complete.  We're working with ladies here on jewelry as well as traditional products.  One of the ladies made a blouse which I think is quite sale-able, and there are those she knows who know traditional arts to embellish the blouse.  So, while I think at the end of the day, when I'm alone, that not much has been done - and perhaps you think that all I'm doing is traveling around - when I sit right now and think about it, I think we have made progress.

Most homes have a grape arbor
The weather warmed on Monday - yesterday was warm and humid.  Today is a little cooler, but promises rain.  Bugger!  And, I have a sore throat, cough and chest congestion.  I forgot to pack the zinc lozenges I usually use to try to head off a cold, and will have to begin a scavenger hunt for them because I think they may well help.  With the warmer weather come open windows... and I had just managed to capture and execute the dive-bombers which had been leaving me with what appear to be chicken pox each morning!  I get a blistering reaction to mosquito bites!

OK, I should probably get going... this afternoon I have a jewelry class and a sewing class scheduled as well as a meeting.  So, it promises to be a busy day.  Miss you guys - actually about now I usually get a little homesick, and begin to wonder if God is doing much through me... but I know He is here, and I trust I am doing what He would have me do.  I trust that He smiles in pleasure at the end of each day at what has been done... that is my goal!


1 comment:

  1. Always good to hear from you, Sharon, and read your posts of the things you're doing! I'm always amazed @ everything you accomplish, and the places you go to... many of which I've never heard of!
