Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Early morning - June 19

Well, I guess it's time to come home - my toothbrush broke!  It has been an incredible time here - and I can't wait to share.

It has been replete with sewing, beading, evaluating, catching up with old friends and enjoying new ones, and HEAT!!  The thermostat is being cranked up today again, and I must say, without any doubt, that I am not acclimated.  Of all the things which have been a problem, this is the biggest - but, as I've been here, it has become less so.

Monday, I was asked to evaluate the handwork of the women (not just the widows) of Bathore for World Vision.  They are hoping to put together a panair (read "fair") for these ladies to sell their wares.  I must say that the ladies were so adept at so many hand works!  They needed a lesson, however, in the British custom of "waiting on line."  A couple of times they mobbed the area where I was working, trying to get their things evaluated.  Since then, I have had the surprise opportunity of seeing a close friend who works with World Vision and now supervises those working the north.  So, we talked about opportunities for hand crafts, and some ideas as to how to market them.

We also talked about building business in poorer areas with a goal of aiding the community - providing jobs, eduction and hope.  She is a visionary, and I can't wait to see what miracles will take place under her tutelage.

Yesterday was filled with errands, last minute deliveries and final good-byes.  We spent time with our special ladies - praying that the work of their hands might be fruitful.  Our Abba wants us to work, and these ladies are certainly willing to do that.  Now, if we can find them a market, and begin a sustainable business, then perhaps we will have a real impact on their situation.

Well, I'm wedging the last of my earthly goods into satchels as I prepare for my last ride out of Tirana for this trip.  God is certainly at work here; His many people are busy in so many areas.  It has been a blessing to meet Him here, and to encourage and help His workers.  Oh, that the Lord would continue to bless the works of His people here, and would cause a great tsunami of blessings on these people so that they would glorify and call upon Him.


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