Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monday morning

I must admit to a certain naivete when it comes to the internet.  I set my computer to Tirana time, but when I posted the blogpost, it did not follow the time in my computer, but rather the time in the US somehow.  It took me a bit of pondering this am - using up valuable time - figuring out where Friday had gone!  My last post dates it as Thursday, but actually I posted it Friday morning... before the internet went out here.  So, my last blog tells you about Thursday.

On Friday, I was to meet with Dava and work with her on making bracelets.  But, things are gearing up at Radio 7 for a conference this week on families, and so Migena was not available to translate.  So, my activities were shrunk - in actual fact, Friday was a day of rest for me.  After completing the blogpost and communicating with Migena, I laid down for a few minutes and woke up three hours later!!  Guess I was tired.  Because I had no internet, I could not do some of the networking I had planned for "off time", and as my eyes got blurry, I laid down again for a few minutes, only to awaken after 9 at night!!  Despite my sleep-filled day, though, I also slept Friday night, so I REALLY must have been tired.  I am not waking up at 3 am as I have in the past, and so the time change, despite my day of rest, has been less of a problem for me this time.

Friday, Ida was at a youth camp for her church with her son.  She is in youth ministry, and the theme was to make them soldiers for Christ... they had lots of physical challenges planned for them.  Daniel had his surgery scheduled, and fared well, but now the twins have chicken pox!  Oh, how I remember how it was with little kids, and how chicken pox entered out family.  Marion was away as a cast member in a school play - Bill was with her.  She had some funny blisters on her neck, and after a phone call or two, I urged them to see a physician closer to them who could actually look at the blisters.  The diagnosis?  Of course, chicken pox.  The whole school was exposed in one fell swoop!  Corbin, of course, followed with his own version.  At any rate.

We left for Tropoja Saturday morning - I was up and out early.  Because we were leaving at a more civilized hour, I had the opportunity to see the area around the Stefan Center awaken once again.  The fellow who has cigarette lighters, batteries and a few miscellaneous things had just arrived to his usual location on the sidewalk in front of the casino... his wares are still bagged up in pink bags.  You could buy dinner - the poor chickens are hobbled or something, and wait patiently and silently for their fate. 

Well, time is getting away from me, and I have to finish breakfast and be ready for my ride to Bathore.  Until later.....

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